A dear friend of mine shared a video on Facebook today. She knew I would love it. She mentioned me in the comments so I would see it. I am so thankful that she did. This video is from the I Am Second ministry. It is about my favorite family-the Robertsons. Yes, those Robertsons from Duck Dynasty. I love this family and the way God is using them to represent Him and to spread the Gospel message. This family is not perfect-they never claimed to be. They are real, authentic, genuine. They have a past, but they know Who holds the future. Please watch this video when you have time. It piggybacks my last post about the "prodigal parade." God uses them, He uses me and He can use you. No matter what your past. He died for YOU because He loved you so much! God is first, I am second!
Click this link to take you to the video: http://www.iamsecond.com/seconds/the-robertsons/