Thursday, July 30, 2015

Refuse to Settle

A sweet friend of my mine told me this past week that I could be married. My response- what? She repeated that if I really wanted to be married that I could be married right now. But instead, that I was really waiting for God's best, not lowering my expectations. Like I said, she is so sweet and encouraging. It's true though-I will not lower my expectations and since my last relationship my expectations and my non-negotiables have changed. God has shown me what is vital to a marriage that is built upon Him. God first-always! He will be "our" firm foundation. 

However, I have reached this place after a journey of settling for a guy I knew was not a Christian, who had no desire to be a Christian and lived a very worldly lifestyle. I walked away from God, from the only relationship that will ever satisfy me. Walking away from God meant letting go of everything I had stood for and abandoning my expectations. After 3 long years, I finally reached bottom and cried out to God. I could not live like the world anymore. I was falling apart and nothing would help-nothing and no one except God. 

Seeking forgiveness from God and family, I was covered in His grace and love. His faithful love. His unrelenting love. His forgiveness and grace. Years passed and this blog began. A new, unexpected relationship blossomed and I thought that this is what I had been waiting for. God, however, had different plans. He used that relationship to draw me into a deeper intimacy with Him. A relationship so different from what I was use to. A desire and thirst for Him and Him alone. A satisfaction and contentedness so real I can honestly say with joy and thanksgiving that I am beyond blessed just as I am right now. Through my broken relationship, I found the One who never breaks His promises, who will never walk away and who always satisfies. 

My friend asked me how I felt if this guy I was waiting for didn't come? I looked at her and could confidently say that I would remain single. That God would give me the strength and the grace to live the single life if that was His plan for me. Because His plan for me is far better, far greater and far more beautiful than I could ever imagine. His plan is for my good and His glory! His plan leads to true joy and fulfillment. No guy on this earth can fulfill me. He wasn't made to. Only God can fill that place in each of our hearts that is restless and searching. I have learned so much in these last 10 years since graduating from college. To sum up:

Refuse to settle. Don't believe the lies of this world. 
Trust God. Walk in faith. No matter what!

And there is always this to consider ;)

1 comment:

  1. It's awesome to read of your determination to wait for your "turtle." It's refreshing as I've seen too many who would be satisfied to marry almost anyone in desperation. Learning to live joyfully when single will be a great blessing in your marriage.
