My last post was about clinging. Clinging to God is a daily necessity. In the good (that was totally a blessing from you God) moments, in the bad (I really should not have done/said that) moments and for every moment in between I need to constantly cling to God. The word God has impressed upon me these last few days is abide.
In the Gospel of John, chapter 15, Jesus talks about abiding in Him. defines the word "abide" as "to remain, to continue, to stay." Here is what Jesus tells us:
Abide in me, and I in you.
As the branch cannot bear fruit by itself, unless it abides in the vine,
neither can you, unless you abide in me.
I am the vine; you are the branches.
Whoever abides in me and I in him, he it is that bears much fruit,
for apart from me you can do nothing.
John 15:4-5 (italic emphasis mine)
This summer God has given me the gift of time. This gift has allowed me to immerse myself in the Word of God, to listen to sermons and podcasts, to read books that teach me more about God and to spend more time in prayer (which is still a weakness in my life).
Abiding with God is vital to a fruitful life. Remaining in Him, continuing in Him, staying in Him- whichever word you choose to use is great. Why do we need to abide in Him? Because apart from Him we can do NOTHING. Let me say it again- APART FROM JESUS WE CAN DO NOTHING!!!!! I have learned this truth the hard way and can say from experience that without Jesus life is meaningless and futile.
Every moment we need to abide in Him. He lives within us. Wherever we go, whatever we do, He is there. He gives us hope, He has walked where we have been, He knows our pain, our suffering. He gave His life for us. He conquered death and the grave. His death means eternal life for those who choose to accept Him. If you want to invite Jesus into your heart and life here are some verses from Romans that tell you how.