Saturday, June 13, 2015

Eternal Perspective

"Lord, stamp eternity on my eyeballs." 
Jonathan Edwards

I should be writing report card comments that are due Monday morning, but these words keep echoing in my head and I just needed to share them. This past Wednesday I listened to an interview that Erin Davis had with Gloria Furman at The Gospel Coalition national conference a few months ago. It was played on Revive Our Hearts with Nancy Leigh DeMoss. The program is titled "What is Your Top Priority?" It is a must listen for moms with young children, but I found it is a message that can apply to all women,
 no matter what season of life your in. 

I had known a little bit about Erin Davis. Erin Davis is the head of the Lies Young Women Believe blog for Revive our Hearts and has three young sons. 

Gloria Furman was a name I had never heard. I am so thankful I do now. She has blessed my life and been an encouragement to me through this interview with Erin Davis. God knows what we need to hear and God knows what He wants us to hear, learn and then apply in our life. Gloria Furman is a pastor's wife, mom of four young children and serving God in Dubai,  which is in the United Arab Emirates. She has written 3 books and has a blog. 

The focus of this program was about priorities and treasuring Christ when our hands are full (which is the title of one of her books-Treasuring Christ When Your Hands are Full-Gospel Meditations for Busy Moms).  I cannot do it justice so I want to share the link with you so that when you find time in your busy schedule you can listen to it. You can also listen to it by podcast like I did while driving to and from work. 

The end of the interview is featured in the following days program called
"Seasonal Obssessive Disorder."

God wanted to impress upon me to live with an eternal perspective, to "stamp eternity on my eyeballs" and I pray that He will use these messages the way He wants to in your life-for your good and His glory. 

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