Friday, October 23, 2015

what a week!

Okay-I really mean "oh these past few weeks-or months!!!!!" This is my tenth year of teaching, but at times I feel like a first year teacher. New grade, new demands, new challenges...the ups and downs, the "I can't believe you just said that to me..." 

Then I remember it's all part of the plan-God's plan. It's what I was praying for. I prayed for God's will in my teaching career, specifically switching grades and that I would trust Him to put me where I was supposed to be. Fast-forward to the end of October and I find myself shocked at what I hear and see daily while at school. Then God whispers-Trust me-My grace is sufficient-My power is made perfect in weakness (2 Cor. 12:9)

You see many days I feel like a failure. That I should have been able to do more, do better or do something that would reach these children. That I should have smiled more and been more of an encouragement to my colleagues. That I should have been more Christ-like. 

Grace and mercy. How thankful I am for grace and mercy from God. That His mercies are new every morning and that He is so faithful (Lam. 3:23). That He is always with me-even in my classroom. Oh how I pray for more of Him! More of God's love, patience and grace that extends through me to each and every child. For His joy to be my joy that radiates to each person I encounter-colleagues, students and parents. He must increase, I must decrease (John 3:30)

God has blessed me so much this year! He has put my heart back together and drawn me closer to Him, given me a greater desire and love for Him alone and a peace that truly does pass all understanding. And that was through a break-up that had me thinking life was over. 

How wrong I was! It was just the beginning!!

Consider it a great joy, my brothers, whenever you experience various trials, knowing that the testing of your faith produces endurance. But endurance must do its complete work, so that you may be mature and complete, lacking nothing. ~James 1:2-4

Tuesday, October 20, 2015

Diving In

It has been awhile since I have written. Actually, way back at the end of August, when I started my crazy journey into the world of third graders. Not only did I step into the world of 8 and 9 year olds, but I also stepped through the doors of another church- a church very different from others I have attended. A church that God had been building the desire for in my heart over the last 10 months. All I had to do was step out in faith. For me that was a big "all." I can be shy. I can be quiet. I can get very nervous, fearful of change and new situations. I can slip in and out of places without people noticing me. I'm that girl...

However, what God has been showing me over this past year is that with Him I only need to do three things- trust Him, have faith that He is sovereign and no plans of His can be thwarted and to obey. The big 3! With God by my side, with my eyes on Him, with daily Bible reading and prayer, they are not difficult. It gets difficult when I take my eyes off of Him, when I don't remember He is always with me, when I don't read the Bible and pray. 

In other words, when I focus on me and think its all about me, life gets hard. Life hurts enough, but without God it would be impossible. So back to stepping out in faith. God wants all of us, not just bits and pieces here and there. He wants the whole package. I have to daily surrender to God all of me-to use for His good, His glory and the spreading of His gospel. I am His and there is no one else who satisfies and loves me, covers me in grace and mercy and is completely faithful the way He is. No one ever will be. It's just not humanly possible. 

During my time at this church I have felt His call to dive in, to get involved and to be real and vulnerable. Sitting back and slipping in and out each Sunday was not going to work. I had to get out of my comfort zone. God uses all the circumstances of our lives, all the good choices and all the bad choices, they can all be used by Him. But He can't use them or us if we don't invest in others, build up and encourage others and share the good, the bad and the ugly. The Christian life isn't meant to be lived in isolation. It's meant to be a community that supports and loves one another and takes that love to the people outside of the church, showing them God's love in action. He has answered my prayer and led me to this church and these people. He has already blessed me with some beautiful friendships (another answered prayer). He has already given me opportunities to serve (another answered prayer). I'm still waiting for those unanswered prayers, but am rejoicing in the prayers God has answered in a way I could never dream or imagine. So I will continue to wait (not focus on) for His timing, covered in His grace and for His plans that are far greater than mine! 

That's the story of my life the last few months. Crazy third grade (that is a whole other blog post) and a new place to worship, grow and serve Him. Trust Him, have faith, and obey. Dive in! It is completely worth it- God knows exactly what He is doing!

Saturday, August 22, 2015

The Story

I watched this last night! Worth the 6 minutes-it can change your life! 
It changed mine! 

Thursday, August 20, 2015

Abide in Me

My last post was about clinging. Clinging to God is a daily necessity. In the good (that was totally a blessing from you God) moments, in the bad (I really should not have done/said that) moments and for every moment in between I need to constantly cling to God. The word God has impressed upon me these last few days is abide

In the Gospel of John, chapter 15, Jesus talks about abiding in Him. defines the word "abide" as "to remain, to continue, to stay." Here is what Jesus tells us:

Abide in me, and I in you. 
As the branch cannot bear fruit by itself, unless it abides in the vine, 
neither can you, unless you abide in me. 
I am the vine; you are the branches. 
Whoever abides in me and I in him, he it is that bears much fruit, 
for apart from me you can do nothing. 
John 15:4-5 (italic emphasis mine)

This summer God has given me the gift of time. This gift has allowed me to immerse myself in the Word of God, to listen to sermons and podcasts, to read books that teach me more about God and to spend more time in prayer (which is still a weakness in my life). 

Abiding with God is vital to a fruitful life. Remaining in Him, continuing in Him, staying in Him- whichever word you choose to use is great. Why do we need to abide in Him? Because apart from Him we can do NOTHING. Let me say it again- APART FROM JESUS WE CAN DO NOTHING!!!!! I have learned this truth the hard way and can say from experience that without Jesus life is meaningless and futile. 

Every moment we need to abide in Him. He lives within us. Wherever we go, whatever we do, He is there. He gives us hope, He has walked where we have been, He knows our pain, our suffering. He gave His life for us. He conquered death and the grave. His death means eternal life for those who choose to accept Him. If you want to invite Jesus into your heart and life here are some verses from Romans that tell you how. 

Sunday, August 16, 2015


After a morning of worshiping my awesome God, I found out some news that ripped my healing heart open again. Over the last 9 months, I have seen Psalm 34:18 in action- "The Lord is close to the brokenhearted and saves those crushed in spirit." It has come alive and I have felt the Lord lovingly and tenderly putting the pieces of my heart back together. Today I found out that my ex got married recently. This was one of the reasons we broke up-because he never wanted to get married. But things change I guess. 

Anyway, he really isn't the point. God is. Despite the pain and hurt I feel, I know God is still sovereign. He is still trustworthy and faithful. He is still with me and knows exactly how I feel. I am clinging to Him. C-L-I-N-G-I-N-G to His promises and to Him because He hasn't changed. I know that He has the perfect plan for my life and that everything that He is working out in my life is for my good and His glory. God knows my dreams and desires. He knows my heart. He knows everything. I can hand it over to God in prayer and let it go. I can have true rest in Him. 

However, knowing this and doing this is not always so easy. There have been tears. There have been lies from the enemy whispered in my ear that is was me who wasn't good enough to be chosen as his wife, that I always fall short, that no one wants me. That's where the choice comes in. The choice to believe the lies or to cling to God and trust Him completely. Today I am choosing to trust God and have faith that He has me exactly where He wants me. Is there something ripping you apart today? Are you believing the lies of the enemy? Cling to God and trust Him. He alone will give you rest! 

Wednesday, August 12, 2015

God, Girls and Giggles

I cannot believe it has already been over three weeks since I returned from vacationing in Michigan. I was there for just under a week, but felt like I could stay a lot longer. I didn't go for what I could see there, but for the who I could see there-my college roommate Kelly. 

God brought us together 14 years ago at Cedarville University in a freshman dorm called Printy. We were Unit 17A, Room B! Two very different girls, two very different personalities, one awesomely sovereign God! We roomed together our freshman and sophomore years and I am so blessed that 10 years after graduating from college God still allows us to spend time together despite living 13 hours apart. She is one of my best friends-you know the friend you don't or can't see for years, but can pick up right where you left off as if no time has passed? Yup-she is that kind of friend. 

A friend that I can truly be myself around and I know that she will accept me no matter what. A friend that lets me love on her children and has raised them in a way that they love you back easily. She is a wise friend, someone who I look up to about marriage and children. Just being able to observe the way she and her husband have raised their four beautiful children in God's truths and continue to be His example to them not just in words, but with their actions. I truly admire and respect the love they have for Jesus, for each other, for their children and in their ministry. 

Kel and I can talk for hours and not just about silly or temporal things (which are always great!), but about the things God is teaching us, how our daily decisions revolve around Him and about following God in the future no matter how hard it becomes. I will always treasure this friendship and pray that God continues to bring us together, to build one another up and to be salt and light for Him and His glory! 

Michigan was refreshing for my heart and soul. God knew exactly what I needed! He always does and I am forever grateful that He is in charge. Apart from Him, I can do nothing. He provides everything I need at exactly the time it is needed! 



Linking with Inspire Me Monday, Monday Musing's, Sharing His Beauty, Titus 2 Tuesday and Faith-Filled Friday

Thursday, July 30, 2015

Refuse to Settle

A sweet friend of my mine told me this past week that I could be married. My response- what? She repeated that if I really wanted to be married that I could be married right now. But instead, that I was really waiting for God's best, not lowering my expectations. Like I said, she is so sweet and encouraging. It's true though-I will not lower my expectations and since my last relationship my expectations and my non-negotiables have changed. God has shown me what is vital to a marriage that is built upon Him. God first-always! He will be "our" firm foundation. 

However, I have reached this place after a journey of settling for a guy I knew was not a Christian, who had no desire to be a Christian and lived a very worldly lifestyle. I walked away from God, from the only relationship that will ever satisfy me. Walking away from God meant letting go of everything I had stood for and abandoning my expectations. After 3 long years, I finally reached bottom and cried out to God. I could not live like the world anymore. I was falling apart and nothing would help-nothing and no one except God. 

Seeking forgiveness from God and family, I was covered in His grace and love. His faithful love. His unrelenting love. His forgiveness and grace. Years passed and this blog began. A new, unexpected relationship blossomed and I thought that this is what I had been waiting for. God, however, had different plans. He used that relationship to draw me into a deeper intimacy with Him. A relationship so different from what I was use to. A desire and thirst for Him and Him alone. A satisfaction and contentedness so real I can honestly say with joy and thanksgiving that I am beyond blessed just as I am right now. Through my broken relationship, I found the One who never breaks His promises, who will never walk away and who always satisfies. 

My friend asked me how I felt if this guy I was waiting for didn't come? I looked at her and could confidently say that I would remain single. That God would give me the strength and the grace to live the single life if that was His plan for me. Because His plan for me is far better, far greater and far more beautiful than I could ever imagine. His plan is for my good and His glory! His plan leads to true joy and fulfillment. No guy on this earth can fulfill me. He wasn't made to. Only God can fill that place in each of our hearts that is restless and searching. I have learned so much in these last 10 years since graduating from college. To sum up:

Refuse to settle. Don't believe the lies of this world. 
Trust God. Walk in faith. No matter what!

And there is always this to consider ;)

Tuesday, July 14, 2015


One of my favorite places to worship God is in my car-singing without reserve. Praising God with heart, soul, mind and body. It doesn't matter that I can't carry a tune or that I might look like a lunatic with my hand lifted high. It is just me and God. (And all the other cars on the road, but so what?)

Today I was listening to Jeremy Camp and his song "We Are the Dreamers" was on. The words capture what God has been speaking to me and to the work He has been doing in my heart. This is my dream and I know my God can do anything! 

I have a dream
That the Earth would shake with the sound of Heaven
I have a dream
That the world would know the kind of freedom
That breaks through every chain
With every doubt erased
With hearts that are wide awake

We are the dreamers 
All things are possible
You are Redeemer
You're working miracles
Let's rise, rise
Rise to our feet 
And proclaim the name of Jesus

I have a dream
That hearts for You would thirst and hunger
I have a dream
We would reach our hands to help our brothers 
Where perfect love is found
The world would hear the sound
Of hearts that are wide awake

I can see the walls are breaking
The captives running free
We will walk and not be shaken
The doubting will believe 

Thursday, July 9, 2015

Off the Map

Another vacation Bible school (VBS) has finished for the summer at my church. It was a great week with a fun theme that the kids really enjoyed. I had the pleasure of teaching the kindergarten age group. Fun, but exhausting. It was only from 9-12, but I came home each day (especially the first two days) hurting and falling into bed for a nap after eating lunch. 

Not exactly what I pictured my life being. Not exactly what I pictured my summer looking like either. I planned for VBS-that was a given, but my health spiraling downhill was a surprise. I thought that my health would improve when school ended, but there have been so many doctors appointments that I haven't really slowed down. But I know God wants me right where I am. VBS is for the kids, but the message this week has been more for me. 

The theme is "Journey Off the Map" and it is all about following your guide (God) no matter where He leads and no matter what He asks you to do. Through the music and lessons (about Daniel Shadrach, Meshach and Abednego), God is working in my heart and head to "stay the course." To trust, obey and follow Him. No matter where He leads, no matter what He asks me to do. 

I just don't know what that is yet. I know He is preparing me for the future. At this time of uncertainty in life (where I definitely feel "off the map") I have never felt calmer or more at peace. Spending time in His word, through prayer, through books and sermons, I am finding that transformation and renewing of my mind that is spoken of in Romans 12:2. 

Living life in the power of His transforming and amazing grace, fixing my eyes on Him and learning that each season of life is a gift from Him. Truly living life for Jesus, running hard after Him and leaving it all in His more than capable hands brings peace that only He can give. The future: "Unknown to us, known to Him." 

Our VBS Bible verse for this week: 

Wednesday, July 1, 2015

Waiting Patiently?

While I'm Waiting...that is the name of my blog, right? If you have been with me since the beginning of my writing journey then you know that I am ultimately waiting for Jesus' return. At times I am anxiously awaiting, sometimes searching the sky, looking through the clouds, daydreaming about His  glorious arrival. Come, Lord Jesus, Come! 

I am also waiting for the time that God, if it be His will, will bring a godly man into my life. To serve God with, to start a family with, to raise this family in His truths and to do more together for the Lord than we could ever do apart. 

I know God has me right where He wants me. 32 years old, single, living at home, teaching in a public school and working in the nursery at my church. Right where He wants me. Do I know all the whys? Nope. Do I need to know? Nope. That's where faith comes in. Faith and trust in my Heavenly Father and His sovereign plan for my life. But I don't always wait so patiently. The struggle is real. It can be difficult. I am currently reading Elisabeth Elliot's The Path of Loneliness. I highly recommend it no matter what season of life God has you in. 

Chapter 22 is titled "How Do I Do This Waiting Stuff?" I love the answer and so I thought I would share it with you today. Elisabeth's answer comes straight from God's Word-Psalm 37. She describes this list as the principal elements from this Psalm of David (New English Bible translation). This list is straight from the book (parentheses added by Elisabeth and italics also). 

Trust in the Lord and do good. 
Dwell in the land (make your home, settle down, be at peace where God puts you)
Delight in the Lord (make the Lord your only joy)
 and He will give you what your heart desires. 
Commit your life to the Lord. 
Trust in Him and He will act. 
Be quiet before the Lord. 
Wait patiently for Him, not worrying about others. (pages 161 and 162)

There it is. The steps: trust, dwell, delight, commit, trust (again), be quiet and wait. Simple to write, hard to put into practice. Worth it? Most definitely! God is teaching me so much during this season of life. I have yet so much to learn, but I will continue to seek Him and I know that I will find Him as He promises in His Word. To God be the glory! 

Monday, June 29, 2015

Oh What A Legacy!

Here is just a morsel from my reading today:

we give up all for the love of God? When the surrender of ourselves seems too much to ask, it is first of all because our thoughts about God Himself are paltry. We have not really seen Him, we have hardly tested Him at all and learned how good He is. In our blindness we approach Him with suspicious reserve. We ask how much of our fun He intends to spoil, how much He will demand from us, how high is the price we must pay before He is placated. 

If we had the least notion of His loving-kindness and tender mercy, His fatherly care for His poor children, His generosity, His beautiful plans for us; if we knew how patiently He waits for our turning to Him, how gently He means to lead us to green pastures and still waters, how carefully He is preparing a place for us, how ceaselessly He is ordering and ordaining and engineering His Master Plan for our good-if we had any inkling of all this, could we be reluctant to let go of our smashed dandelions or whatever we clutch so fiercely in our sweaty little hands?

If with courage and joy we pour ourselves out for Him and for others for His sake, it is not possible to lose, in any final sense, anything worth keeping. We will lose ourselves and our selfishness. We will gain everything worth having. 

The Path of Loneliness 
Elisabeth Elliot
pages 123-124

Sunday, June 28, 2015

Be Still

I started this blog 3 years ago. Last year I did not write any posts as I was happily living out my dream. I thought I had met the man I was going to marry and I was done blogging for a while. That all changed almost a year later and my dream crashed and burned. 

God performed a miracle to bring me to where I am now in life. I have learned the height, depth and breadth of the everlasting love of God. I have felt His comfort, His peace and His mercy. I have learned the truth Paul writes about in 2 Corinthians 9-His grace is sufficient. 

This is my 100th post. It excites me and humbles me to see how God has used this blog in my own life and in the lives of others. As this world continues to reject God and His truth, He calls us as believers to be still. He is sovereign. He is still in control-always! Song Sunday comes from Jeremy Camp's album I Will Follow and is aptly titled "Be Still." 

Be still and know that I am God. 
I will be exalted among the nations, 
I will be exalted in the earth! 
Psalm 46:10

Saturday, June 27, 2015


Yes love does win, but not with a Supreme Court decision that marriage is no longer just between a man and a woman. Love won a long time ago on a cross. Love won when Jesus Christ willingly laid down his life and was crucified for every person's sins (yes, EVERYONE). Love won when Jesus rose from the grave conquering sin and death. Love wins everyday when people turn from their sin, repent and receive Christ as their Lord and Savior, surrendering their lives to Him. Love will win again when Jesus returns to rule and reign. 
Love always wins! 

Yesterday I had to repent and ask God to forgive my initial reaction of anger and worry. I was wrong in my reaction and God revealed that to me throughout the day and night. As I saw pictures of the White House lit up in rainbow colors, I was speechless. Then God reminded me today that someday that house will crumble. It is temporary. It is not eternal. The people in it, however, still need a Savior. They need the eternal love that does not depend on a Supreme Court ruling. So do the millions of others caught in the lies of enemy. 

So yes I will stand on God's word and speak His truth in love for that is what He calls all believers to do. I will not be silent because I love you too much. I want to see all people turn to a saving knowledge of Christ, to live for Him and to spend eternity with Him. Yes, love does win. 
It will always win- here and in eternity! 

Below is a response from Nancy Leigh DeMoss about the Supreme Court ruling and how believers should respond to this decision by the court. Great listen! 

Sunday, June 21, 2015

Salt and Light

When I find a new artist and start listening to their album I find that I have a hard time making it to the end of the playlist. I keep repeating the songs in the beginning and middle because I love them so much! I always find that I keep missing those last two or three songs. Does this happen to anyone else?

Of course, those last few songs are gems. They are just as wonderful as the other songs but it might take me months to hear them. The song that has been on "repeat" in my head this week is an "end of the playlist" song. It is from Lauren Daigle's album How Can It Be. The song is "Salt and Light." 

Beautiful reminder of God's redeeming work in my life! Beautiful words that capture the desire of my heart- "Let my heart overflow with passion for your name, Let my life be a song revealing who You are."

Oh the beauty of the King
You make righteous those who seek
You have written and redeemed my story

Let my eyes see Your kingdom shining all around
Let my heart overflow with passion for Your name
Let my life be a song, revealing who You are
For You are salt and light 

Oh the love that set me free
You bring hope to those in need
You have written and redeemed my story

For You are salt and light
You are love's great height
You are deep and wide
You are a consuming fire

Monday, June 15, 2015

Do the Next Thing

At an old English parsonage down by the sea,
there came in the twilight a message to me
It's quaint Saxon legend deeply engraven that,
as it seems to me, teaching from heaven. 

And all through the hours the quiet words ring,
like a low inspiration, "Do the next thing."
Many a questioning, many a fear
many a doubt hath its quieting here. 

Moment by moment, let down from heaven,
time, opportunity, guidance are given
Fear not tomorrow, child of the King
trust that with Jesus, do the next thing

Do it immediately, do it with prayer
do it reliantly, casting all care
Do it with reverence, tracing His hand
who placed it before thee with earnest command

Stayed on omnipotence, safe 'neath His wing
leave all resultings, do the next thing
Looking to Jesus, ever serener
working or suffering by thy demeanor 
In His dear presence, the rest of His calm
the light of His countenance, be thy psalm
Do the next thing. 


This anonymous poem, made famous by Elisabeth Elliot, seems fitting to remember on the day she passed from this temporary home to her eternal dwelling place. Her life was lived with steadfast determination, to trust and obey, the One who laid down His life for her-no matter what the cost, no matter what the next thing was going to be. As the world mourns this faithful servant of God, all of heaven rejoices over a life lived with an eternal perspective!

Linking with Inspire Me Monday, Monday's Musings and Titus 2 Tuesday

Saturday, June 13, 2015

Eternal Perspective

"Lord, stamp eternity on my eyeballs." 
Jonathan Edwards

I should be writing report card comments that are due Monday morning, but these words keep echoing in my head and I just needed to share them. This past Wednesday I listened to an interview that Erin Davis had with Gloria Furman at The Gospel Coalition national conference a few months ago. It was played on Revive Our Hearts with Nancy Leigh DeMoss. The program is titled "What is Your Top Priority?" It is a must listen for moms with young children, but I found it is a message that can apply to all women,
 no matter what season of life your in. 

I had known a little bit about Erin Davis. Erin Davis is the head of the Lies Young Women Believe blog for Revive our Hearts and has three young sons. 

Gloria Furman was a name I had never heard. I am so thankful I do now. She has blessed my life and been an encouragement to me through this interview with Erin Davis. God knows what we need to hear and God knows what He wants us to hear, learn and then apply in our life. Gloria Furman is a pastor's wife, mom of four young children and serving God in Dubai,  which is in the United Arab Emirates. She has written 3 books and has a blog. 

The focus of this program was about priorities and treasuring Christ when our hands are full (which is the title of one of her books-Treasuring Christ When Your Hands are Full-Gospel Meditations for Busy Moms).  I cannot do it justice so I want to share the link with you so that when you find time in your busy schedule you can listen to it. You can also listen to it by podcast like I did while driving to and from work. 

The end of the interview is featured in the following days program called
"Seasonal Obssessive Disorder."

God wanted to impress upon me to live with an eternal perspective, to "stamp eternity on my eyeballs" and I pray that He will use these messages the way He wants to in your life-for your good and His glory. 

Sunday, June 7, 2015

SS: I Am Yours

Change. It can be good or bad. It can be positive or negative. It could be both. The changes that keep popping up (in some of the least expected places) have me feeling like I am standing in a thunderstorm in the middle of the ocean. I am up, I am down. I am exhausted, beaten and barely treading water. Dramatic, huh? 

Ever since I started to ask God to make me more like Him, telling Him that I want nothing less for my life than He does, that I want to completely trust Him no matter what, that I want to have the kind of faith talked about in Hebrews...the storms, I mean, change, has come. It definitely feels more like storms (yes with an "s", plural). 

BUT...God is good and God is good at being God. I heard Lysa TerKeurst say that at a ladies retreat I went to in April. What a big truth in a few simple words! I am going to write them again: God is good and God is good at being God. There is nothing that He doesn't already know about. He knew that all these changes would be happening and He knows that I have a choice to make. To blame God and walk away from Him or to rest in His promises and cling to Him. 

This choice happened to me at 22 and I chose to walk away, to do it my way. I was tired of waiting for God and I wanted what I wanted now. It wasn't the dream I had pictured. This time, I choose to lay myself down on the altar. I choose to trust Him, to cling to Him and His Word like never before. I choose to have faith that He is good even when it hurts and the enemy is attacking. And I'm hurting right now-single and 32 with the desires for marriage and a family- not seeing how it could ever be possible with these chronic health issues. However, that is why I am not God. My God can do anything! This is where Song Sunday comes in and Lauren Daigle expresses so perfectly how I feel with her song "I Am Yours." 

Yes, let the rain fall harder. Bring on the storms. I will stand because God is over the storms. My God is in complete control and I am His. 

I could not find a lyric video, so for lyrics please click here

Saturday, June 6, 2015

My Prayer

You are waiting for us to move
There is so much more
Deeper than I've ever known and known before
When we draw near
I see the mysteries of who You are
 Reveal my heart to be renewed 
Until nothings left but You
Only You

Here I am
Falling to my knees I'm crying out again
Jesus, take me deeper than I've ever been
Lord, here I am
All of me reaching to the places that I cannot see
Desperately, I need You to know me 
Here I am

You are waiting for me to see 
All of who You are
God, You are so patient with me
Day after day
Come Living Water, let me drink from Your amazing grace
Reveal my heart to be renewed
Until nothing's left but You
Only You

Let the things of Earth lose their hold on me
Let Your river flow, You are breaking me free
I will lift my hands in Your presence God
Make me like You are

Here I am
Everything surrendered
I am Yours 
Nothing else that matters 
Laying down every one of my fears 
God, won't You
God, won't You move me
Here I am 

-Here I Am- Jeremy Camp

Sunday, May 31, 2015

Song Sunday: Let it be Jesus

There are 3 weeks of school left for the kids, 4 weeks for the teachers. I should be excited and rejoicing! Instead I just feel weary, worn-out and wondering what happens next (both personally and professionally). But that is what I have to stop doing-wondering. What does wondering do? It leaves me weary and worn-out (...and cranky and depressed and...)

When my mind starts to wonder, I must hit the pause button and remember this: My life is in God's hands-His wonderful, capable, strong, all-knowing hands. His sovereignty is my security. I must choose to trust, to hope and to wait for what is next in my life. This season of waiting has been hard, but it has been during these most difficult moments in my life that God has truly revealed Himself to me as I have pursued Him each day. He has invaded my heart, my mind and my soul and He has changed me from the inside out. I have been transformed and now have the desire to view everything from God's perspective, to view this temporary life from an eternal perspective. 

It is not through my own strength, but through the power of the Holy Spirit living within me. He renews my mind. He is my strength. It is through God and God alone. Through His grace, He has completely changed me over the last 6 months. Without Him, I have nothing, I am nothing, BUT with Him, I have everything! He is my everything! He is all I need! 

 Let it be Jesus 
sung by Christy Nockels

Let it be Jesus
The first name that I call
Let it be Jesus
My song inside the storm
I'll never need another

For me to live is Christ
For me to live is Christ
God, I breathe Your name above everything
Let it be, let it be Jesus

Let it be Jesus 
From the rising of the sun
And let it be Jesus 
When all is said and done
I'll never need another
Jesus, there's no other

Should I ever be abandoned 
Should I ever be acclaimed
Should I ever be surrounded 
By the fire and the flame
There's a name I will remember
There's a name I will proclaim

Let it be, Let it be Jesus
Let it be, Let it be Jesus